Saturday, March 10, 2007

Big Brother is My Moral Compass

I love to play poker. I hate it that I can't. There is not a B&M poker room within 3 hours of me and now I can't play because Big Brother has decided to be my moral compass.
Rosie accused the Donald of that and I like the phrase, it fits.
Internet poker took a lot of getting used to for me. I really had to adjust my game after years of playing with mostly players I knew well. One look and I knew if I had the best or they did. A faceless name on the computer screen is a whole different game. But I did adjust and learned to take notes even before the poker sites offered that feature. Well I thought poker on the net was the greatest thing since chocolate. I didn't even have to get dressed! I could do it all if I chose to, smoke (yes I am one of those outcasts) drink and not have to drive (yes I do like to drink and play) call the donkeys names (and no one heard but the dog). It was Nirvana. Even with the horrendous beats I have rarely seen in live play, I loved it all. Ah the good old days.
The last time I played was New years Eve.

We couldn't go anywhere New years because we had a wedding to attend in January in Virgina City/Reno and I couldn't afford to go New Years then back again 2 weeks later. So I decided to take $100 and scope out a new room since my place of choice Pacific Poker no longer took US customers. I settled on Absolute because they had the best deposit bonus. I drank, played and had a great time and went bust. No surprise there as I wasn't playing my best, just playing what I wanted when I wanted and having fun. Hell I couldn't even go to dinner and out drinking for $100 so I knew I got my monies worth. The big disappointment for me was I didn't play long enough to earn the bonus. I hate how sites "dole out" bonuses anyway. I think if you go broke they should give it to you then not allow you to cash it out until you have reached whatever point/play level.

Well now with Netteller's problems I have no way to deposit. Well there are a few other services out there but I no longer feel comfortable putting money in any of them. Someday maybe it will all change and we can be our own Moral Compass, until then I play on Pogo for free with 100% donkeys. It is nothing like real poker, but it is entertaining and I don't have to drive 300 miles to do it!
I miss the old days on Pacific and Stars. I had a friend who blew thousands on there and it was fun following him around (as he didn't know it was me) and I had great wins on those nights!
Too bad the real fish think collusion is the norm and they are being cheated. They can't admit they play like idiots which is why they lose the farm.
On another note: Why is it some people hate to play with their friends? I know someone like that, he hates to play with me (the friend mentioned above). My thought is if I am going to lose, why not lose it to a friend rather than someone I don't like? He did tell me once he hated to play with me because I always beat him. Well, sorry guy but so does everyone else (beat you)!

So until Big Brother decides just maybe us adults are smart enough to play poker on the net and not rob banks to do it, and we are not hurting anyone...well look for me on pogo or in Reno...