Friday, January 26, 2007

Why Blog?

OK why a blog? Why do people blog? For each blogger it is different.
For me it is a life journal, an outlet for a frustrated writer. Frustrated because I can't seem to hold on to an idea long enough to make it a novel.
I am also a loner. Good thing, since my nearest neighbor is 2 miles away and I live on top of a mountain. So here I can put thoughts to words, words to virtual paper.

I can now explore who I am and why I am. Life experiences make us who and what we are. I have been told many times I have not had a normal life, to that I ask...what IS normal? I have been told again, many times, I should write a book. Well, just because "every life has a story" doesn't mean anyone would want to read mine! So I will do this for me, no one else. If anyone comes along for the ride, fine. If no one does that is fine too, I will be here and that is who I am doing it for anyway!

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